Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Summaries of changes to ISO 14001

Summaries of changes to ISO 14001
ISO 14001 year 2004 changes are consider having some effect on EMS ISO 14001, the changes require reviewing the EMS and taking action for transition (information is under control of TC 207). Considering the most relevant changes in advancing / transition to ISO 14001 2004 standard includes (an overview for transition / implementation):
Clause 4.1, Scope – requires defining the scope of the EMS (environmental management system) linking to the organizations activities, products, and services (and processes). First consider defining the scope of the EMS within the “boundaries” of products, services, activities, and processes as these relate [for ISO 9001:2000 organizations consider requirement 4.1, and organizations implementing ISO 14001 may be helpful reading ISO 9001:2000 clause 4.1]. The previous indicates an overview on how the EMS fulfills ISO 14001 2004 [some thoughts are internal auditing, management system review providing that these link].
Clause 4.2, Policy – The scope of the EMS and its policy must be consistent. The requirements for the policy remains about the same, now explicitly indicating that must be developed by top management, and other explicit terms in tune with the 1996 version.
Clause 4.3.1, Environmental Aspects Identification – Changes involve in assisting to clarifying statements from 1996 version and the change of the “or” for “and” (within the scope of the EMS); “… products and services…” Control and influence are now mutually exclusive, whilst introducing planned and new developments… new and modified activities… Considering identifying significant aspects must occur from development, implementation, and maintaining the EMS (see 4.1). Information on environmental aspects needs be in documentation format.
To a more assertive statement, “… over which it can be expected to have…” changes to the following “…those which it can influence.”
Clause 4.3.2, Legal and Other Requirements – The wording changes to “legal” in better addressing context to different world regions. Consideration must be given with changes to clause 4.1, for development, implementation, and maintaining the EMS.
Clause 4.3.3 – No significant change.
Clause 4.3.4 – No significant change.
Clause 4.4.1 , Resources, Roles, Responsibility and Authority, please note that this is a new title. This title reflects the importance and relevancy of each term to the EMS. Some minor wording changes include from “…provide…” to “…ensure the availability…” Do not forget that this will require reviewing auditing, planning, and responding to emergencies.
Clause 4.4.2, Competence, Training and Awareness – Whilst using the same
terms in the title notice the change in sequence. This change reflects the expected order of importance of the terms-subjects. Also consider that introduces a new phrase that broadens the individuals within an EMS; “…persons working for, or on behalf of …” Combining these previous two sentences, provides for the organization to include not only relevancy to significant environmental aspects but as well extending to those working for or in behalf of the organization . (Note: also consider that training provider and supporting services are inclusive to 4.4.6).
Clause 4.4.3, Communication – In specifically addressing the European Requirements (EMAR / EMAS), if the organization decides communicating externally the environmental aspects (environmental performance), ISO 14001:2004 address this issue. This is strictly on a volunteer globally, realizing that within the European Union is require.
Clause 4.4.4, Environmental Management System Documentation – in pursuit
of continuing compatibility with ISO 9001:2000 the term applied is “Documentation.”
Thereof, consider this clause also in the light of ISO 9001:2000 when integrating
EMS and QMS. The EMS documentation and records must be those to ascertain
objective evidence on the effectiveness of implementing the policy, planning, and
execution (including improving), control of operations, verification, and control,
improving, and reviewing the EMS.
Clause 4.4.5, Document Control – Again, changing the title and wording reflects
compatibility with ISO 9001:2000. Other than compatibility between QMS ISO
9001:2000 and EMS ISO 14001:2004 there are no significant changes.
4.4.6, Operational Control – No significant change.
4.4.7, Emergency Preparedness and Response – The structure changes by
placing some of its already content in bullets to emphasize each as pointer for the organization to address.
4.5.1, Monitoring and Measurement – Best to see new clause 4.5.2.
4.5.2, Evaluation of Legal Compliance – This is a new clause
[Note: addressing the concern of many government entities / authorities on
their responsibility on environmental and social issues and EMS ISO 14001 1996].
This is construe as the most impacting change to ISO 14001 2004 – this “new” clause brings the last paragraph of 4.5.1 as a separate clause. This clause brings the importance of periodically reviewing legal requirements / compliance under which the organization ascribes. It implies provision of records to demonstrate that this review occurs. This requires that the EMS be review to address the requirements of this “new” clause.
4.5.3, Non Conformance, Corrective and Preventive Action – Includes clarifications ascertaining that prevention (measures or potential of non conformity)and corrective action are two occurring events (which may be mutually inclusive).
Thereof, “action to eliminate the causes of potential non conformities to prevent their occurrence” can lead to changes in your EMS procedures.
4.5.4, Records – States that organizations need records to demonstrate
implementation of procedures and achieving results. These must demonstrate complying with the EMS (procedures and results). Whilst record retention times are not specifically required, record retention needs being specified (consider legal requirements and contractual agreements such that provide a demonstrable sustainable EMS).
4.5.5, Environmental Management System Audit – Whilst there are no wording changes, auditing must be reviewed in the light and effect of other changes (such as 4.5.1, 4.4.2).
4.6, Management Review – The wording provides (more direct) compatibility with ISO 9001:2000, which includes inputs and outputs for reviewing the EMS. Addition includes reviewing for improving the EMS (from target and not merely objectives).
The advent of ISO 14001:2004 shall not require additional training, unless otherwise the organization decides for a short review presentation or an “IMS” (integrated management systems,” integration of management systems such as ILO-OSH, OSH.MS, OSHAS 18001, ISO 9001 and variants with ISO 14001.) It will require reviewing the EMS by management, (perhaps a gap analysis), acting on any changes, inclusive to auditing against ISO 14001:2004 before transition.

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