Sunday, August 29, 2010

How Quality Management System is implemented?

How Quality Management System is implemented?

The terms ‘establish’, ‘document’, ‘implement’, ‘maintain’ and ‘improve’ are used in the ISO 9000 Standard as though this is a sequence of activities when in reality, in order to establish a system it has to be put in place and putting a system in place requires two separate actions:
- Design the Quality Management System using a process that transforms the system requirements into specific characteristics that results in a clear definition of all the processes that meet the system requirements.
- Construct the system using a process that documents, installs, commissions and integrates the processes to deliver the required business outputs.
The way in which these phases of quality system development are related is
illustrated in the management system process model shown in Figure 4.1. This diagram has some important features. Note that the design input to the system comprises internal and external requirements. On the right side there are four improvement routes:
- Improvements in conformity during operation of the system arise through
enforcing policy and practices – doing what you say you do
- Improvements in conformity during system construction arise through
enforcing policy and design rules on the system – reworking the system to
comply with the established policies and objectives
- Improvements in efficiency during system construction arise through
finding better ways of implementing the system design – shorter, less
wasteful routines, less complexity, lower skill levels, fewer resources
- Improvements in effectiveness arise as a result of identifying different
policies and objectives – higher targets, new objectives, new requirements,
regulations, and new technologies.
As indicated above, establishing a system means designing and constructing it, which can be referred to as system development. System design is dealt with under Identifying processes. Constructing the system covers documentation, resourcing, installation, commissioning, qualification and integration.

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